In light of the recent legislative developments in Hong Kong, we at “Hip Shing Poly‐Bag Industrial Limited” wish to provide clarity and assurance regarding the status of our flexible packaging solutions under the new Product Eco‐responsibility (Amendment) Bill 2023, which was passed on October 18, 2023.

Overview of the Amendment Bill

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has introduced the Product Eco‐responsibility (Amendment) Bill 2023 to regulate disposable plastic tableware and other plastic products, aiming to enhance environmental sustainability and reduce plastic waste. The legislation focuses on the phased regulation of specific disposable plastic items, including expanded polystyrene (EPS) tableware, straws, stirrers, cutlery, plates, cups, and a series of other disposable plastic products.

Our Products and the Amendment Bill

We want to explicitly reassure our clients and partners that our flexible packaging products are not subject to the regulations outlined in the Amendment Bill. Our product range does not include the disposable plastic tableware or other plastic products targeted by the legislation.

Our Commitment to Sustainability

Hip Shing remains deeply committed to environmental responsibility and sustainability. We continuously strive to innovate and provide packaging solutions that are not only compliant with global environmental standards but also contribute to our clients’ sustainability goals. Our efforts include developing and promoting products that are designed for recyclability, reduced environmental impact, and supporting the circular economy.

Continued Compliance and Innovation

We closely monitor regulatory developments to ensure that our products meet all applicable standards and regulations, providing our clients with peace of mind regarding compliance and environmental stewardship. Our team is dedicated to innovation, constantly seeking materials and processes that minimize environmental impact without compromising quality and performance.

Your Trusted Partner

We understand the importance of clear and transparent communication with our clients and partners. Should you have any questions or concerns about the impact of Hong Kong’s Product Eco‐responsibility (Amendment) Bill 2023 on your use of our products, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to provide the information and support you need.

Thank you for your continued trust and partnership. Together, we can make a positive impact on the
environment and contribute to a sustainable future.

Hip Shing Poly Bag Industrial Limited
[email protected]
